Lion of Judah Endtime Ministries (LOJEM) is a Christian Group that proclaims the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Lion of Judah Endtime Ministries (LOJEM) is a Christian Group that proclaims the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Please watch our welcome message!
Our aim is to project Jesus Christ and his Second-Coming though eschatological teachings as well as spreading the rhema word of God with the simple and clear message that 'Jesus Is Coming Soon and You Must Repent and Be Saved’.
Our message entails the following: eternity, repentance, seek God and 'all things are possible through Jesus Christ, our logos. Revelations 5:5 "Behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the root of David, has prevailed, to open the book, and to lose the seven seals thereof".
A visionary End-time ministry that proclaims the gospel of Jesus Christ, our Messiah; and announces his imminent return through bible teaching and preaching as well as eschatological teachings on the end times.
LOJEM operates by the following guiding principles:
To Expound, Empower and Equip.
LOJEM's visions is to expound, empower people through preaching and bible teachings with the aim to equip rapture-ready church.
We greatly appreciate any contributions you would like to make to our group. Thank you.
If you have any questions, please get in touch
with us.
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