LOJEM Prayer Ministry is an opportunity to encounter the power, deliverance and breakthrough of God as we pray together. In addition, our ministers discerning and passing on the word of knowledge God has for you. This could be healing, forgiveness, blessing, encouragement or your deliverance.
With LOJEM anyone who has become a Christian and has had experience of the Holy Spirit has the power and authority to pray and intercede like Jesus did. We can all learn to tune in to the different ways in which God speaks to us.
Equipping An Endtime Body of Christ!
At LOJEM our core value is that ‘everyone is a Disciple'. Evangelism is a key objective.
We are committed to raising an end time army that is committed to soul winning, setting the captives free and empowering this generation with the gospel of Jesus Christ, transforming lost souls and equipping the body of Christ via our Outreach Ministry. We help you forge a growing relationship with God, and equip you to fulfil your God given purpose. The unction of the Holy Spirit upon this Ministry will build our faith and strengthen your walk with God.
’And you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth'(Acts 1:8b)
Our aim is to give Christian guidance, direction and counsel.
We use biblical insights in our approach to pastoring and counselling you. Our Pastors and Prophets are experienced and possess prophetic giftings that can lead to a spiritual diagnosis of your problems, before counselling you through various systems.
Confidentiality is important to us. You can book your one-to-one session via our Contact Us Page.
God has raised our prophetess as an oracle to proclaim his coming, expound the gospel, as well as speak his mind, encourage and rebuke nations.
We champion the apostolic movement, to plant a church without boundaries: 'But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you (Acts1:8a)
LOJEM Helps meet the physical and spiritual needs of our World.
It is our aim to provide support for individuals and target organisations with a Charitable focus e.g. Orphanages to provide funding, food & clothing for children of school going age.
We appreciate your donation.
Interested in our Live Broadcast weekly special? Definitely Join our power-filled sessions stay on fire and equipped with the Word of God.
We have bible studies available which you can join online with Zoom. You’ll meet other people, develop a sense of spiritual fellowship with others and grow spiritually.
Our Judah Prayer Room takes place every Thursday at 22:00 UK time & Fridays at 11pm.
Jesus Loves You!
Join Us and experience the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
We’ll be announcing special events throughout the year in due course.
Jesus Is Coming Soon; Don't Be left behind when the Trumpet sounds.
You may contact us about questions that pertain to your salvation.
We keep the apostolic fire burning from this biblical point of reference: When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them. (Acts 2:1-4).
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